Great to meet you!

Helping busy moms find a healthier Path is my mission

When I found out chronic diseases (such as cardiovascular and autoimmune) can be prevented and reversed naturally... 

 I doubted it, and then I got angry. Why had it taken such a long time for me to learn this?Busy moms tend to put their needs on the back burner while doing so much for their families. Taking a lot of time to research their own health information isn't typically high on the "to-do" list.  It shouldn't be hard to find reliable information about maintaining good health. And it shouldn't be expensive, exclusive or time consuming to make healthy changes. 

Mainstream media tells us we should accept that aging means health issues, doctor visits and prescriptions. That, my friend, is unacceptable! 

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Where it Started....

As a busy mom keeping track of five schedules, running a household, working part-time, and volunteering I found myself needing extra caffeine and sugar to get through the day.

I would slog through the afternoons, not be able to fall asleep at night as I thought about my to-do list, then drag out of bed exhausted in the morning. To top it off, I had gained 20 pounds over five years and was not happy with my new belly and muffin top. Something had to change!

What I Discovered

My doctor told me what I was experiencing seemed "normal for my age". She suggested testing to see if I had developed an autoimmune disease. I was not ready to go down that rabbit hole and knew it was time to take charge and do my own research.

Let me tell you, there is an overwhelming amount of conflicting information about health out there. Luckily, after several months I happened to connect with a long-time friend. She looked amazing and had energy that I wanted! When I asked, she told me about the simple way her family had been adding over 30 fruits/vegetables to their diet daily--for over 15 years. I was very intrigued. And within a very short time, my energy was back!

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How I Can Help You

Nearly six years later, I am guiding women like you to experience amazing health turn arounds. From a simple way to add more fruits and vegetables to healthy recipes to a vibrant and caring community, I love helping busy moms ditch disease.

If you are looking for natural solutions without medications and know there has to be a better way, we should talk. If you are ready to start taking care of yourself in order to enjoy the empty nest years as a fun, active mom, we should talk. You are worth it! You have permission to feel amazing!

Why I do what I do

I remember the hopeless feeling I had, not knowing how to feel better. It was also lonely! And I remember how wonderful it was when my friend took me under her wing. But even better was the feeling when I shared what I had learned with another friend.

I had no idea she suffered from IBS, like, really suffered. She kept it a complete secret. And I didn't find out until nearly a year later when she thanked me for changing her life! Or the friend who has reduced her cholesterol by making one simple change. Or the friend who just sent the message that her hair is now thick and gorgeous again.

It's this community of moms making life great for each other that has me excited to get up each morning! I enjoy this "healthy moms club" so much where we work together to spread the news about taking charge of your own health. And hearing all the results is pretty fabulous, too!

Not sure?

How about a free consultation?

I would love meeting with you to discuss your health. Chatting together can help you get really clear on your current status and your health goals.

Whether you want to increase your energy, lose weight, or reduce pain, I can help you create a road map to get there.

This 20-minute consultation is completely FREE and a great way to get started living your best life! Click below to schedule a time for us to chat.

The news isn't that fruits and vegetables are good for you, it's that they are so good for you they could save your life!

Time Magazine


A Great Place To Start

Tasha Hickert guide

free & instant

5 Easy Ways to Eat More vegetables Daily

Quick Tips

Includes recipes

Works in a busy life

Get it today, it's free!

Tasha Hickert

I help busy moms increase energy, reduce aches and pains, improve sleep through simple, healthy habit changes. It's my mission to help women take control of their health and live life to the fullest.  Let's stay connected!


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